The crowd goes wild as their family and friends walk across the stage to gain their degree at the graduation ceremony at Kay Yeager Coliseum on May 11. (Brittni Vilandre)
The crowd goes wild as their family and friends walk across the stage to gain their degree at the graduation ceremony at Kay Yeager Coliseum on May 11.

Brittni Vilandre

754 awarded at spring graduation

May 11, 2019

A lively buzz filled the air as 754 graduates walked across the stage and into their futures May 11 in Kay Yeager Coliseum. Graduates were accompanied by faculty, staff, family and friends for their big day.

DATE | May 11, 2019

LOCATION | Kay Yeager Coliseum

SPEAKER | Tarkan Maner, Masters of Business Administration

FACULTY AWARD RECIPIENT | Jonathan Price, associate professor and chair of geoscience


My future plans are to move back to California and pursue a field in Pediatrics but for long term it’s not really clear because as a Christian I believe whatever the Lord has for me it’s what He wills, but it will be for His glory,” Stephanie Lindsay, nursing

I plan on continuing to study to prepare for my Athletic Training certification test. Along with that I’m just waiting to see what God has for me as I look for job opportunities and continue learning my major,Justin Thompson, athletic training

“I am going to be an Intern at the Baptist Student Ministry for a year, because after serving their for three years and seeing the impact it has been to my life and others I’d love to serve there and serve our campus,” Cindy Reyes, social work

“I plan on going to dental school, so that I may go around the world on missions, so I can use those skills to help different communities,” Kaleb Welch, science

“I plan on going to graduate school because to be a black woman in my field I feel like I have to get as much knowledge as possible and I believe graduate school is the best way possible,” Tre Miller-Wright, theater

“I plan on going to graduate school so that I may become a professor and work jobs still inside theater. I may be able to have other adventures,” Ben Ashton, theater

“I plan on starting my own business selling my art work. I’m always constantly selling my artwork so it’s going to be an ongoing process,” Sarah Bosmans, Art

“I’ve already received a job to be a kindergarten teacher in Forney Texas, and I am super excited and I can’t wait to be able to start my life after this,” Gabrielle Browning, special education

“I already accepted a position at City View ISD working at the junior high school teaching art. I want to inspire creativity and help them through and struggles they are going through academic or not, as well as helping students find art in everything that includes history, literature, science I want to expand past the traditional painting or sculpture,” Kaytlyn Boyett, graphic design

“I haven’t really decided yet, it’s between security or software engineering,” Keona Rollerson, computer science

“Starting in June I will be a training and conditioning coach for high school athletes and I’ll be doing that from June 10 to Aug. 1. In the fall I am planning to go to graduate school for higher education,” Alonzo Burris, exercise physiology

“Be the manager of our department and get a full-time teaching job at our community college back in Michigan,” Andy Budzyn Howard, respiratory care

“I will be a sales and marketing administrator at Airspace Technologies and I am super excited. I just got it like right before graduation so can’t wait to move to Lewisville,” Taylor Lindsay, marketing

“Law school at Texas A&M, I want to work as a prosecutor, become a DA or even a congressman,” Preston Busby, criminal justice

“I am going to move to Austin and audition for theaters there and see what happens. My plan is to act so that’s what I’m doing,” Addrian Gauat Jr., theater

“I plan to make the best of myself regardless of what it is I do, or whether or not I use my major,” Kendall Ogletree, criminal justice

“I plan on serving in the U.S. Air force and working at the boarder patrol,” Hernan Murillo, criminal justice

“I’m looking towards performing in different aspects, primarily in opera or musical theater because, I honestly think that with my degree even though I specialize in one category it is important to be diverse,” Nicholas Lopez, music

“I plan on going back to Dallas to teach. There are some places looking for music teachers that I am really looking forward to getting a second interview for. Some already called me and it’s great,” Richard Gutierrez, music and education

“I will be working at WPT Power Corporation here in Wichita Falls as an inside sales rep selling industrial sized brakes and clutches world wide,” Parker Short, marketing

“After graduation I will be working in Home Health. I want to help children and parents with care once discharged from the hospital,” Christina Washington, human services

“I want to work and gain experience before before continuing on to get my masters,” Kho Tran, mechanical engineer

“I landed a contract with Carol ISD as a Dyslexia specialist,” Nicki Winter, special education

“I will be moving to the Houston area to pursue a career in administration, working with sport professionals,” Shannon Myart, sport administration

“I will be attending graduate school in the fall for communication disorders. I want to become a speech pathologist,” Georgia Dubose, biology

“I started working for Medders Oil Company while in school, now I am the head Geologist,” John Medders, geology

“I am presently a diagnostician with the school district, I want to guide and direct other teachers and be an advocate for students in our Texas public education system,” Gina Flowers, education

“I want to pursue a career as a parole officer working with Texas department of criminal justice,” Sunday Adeyemi, criminal justice



“We are extremely proud of you today, you have accomplished something that is truly life changing. Always remember us and we will always remember you. Congratulations,” James Johnston, provost and vice president of academic affairs

“Congratulations graduates of 2019 quite and accomplishment, the rest is history,” Fred Dietz, Vice President of enrollment management

“It’s a special day. We are seeing hundreds and hundreds of students launch themselves into their next faze of life. It is very exciting and humbling to see all this potential out here and knowing that we had some impact on them going forward in their lives. We are really proud,” Kieth Lamb, Vice President of student affairs

“Celebrate your accomplishments for today and enjoy it, but also start looking forward to a great career this degree has unlocked for you and never stop looking for those next opportunities,” Jeff Killion, Dean of Health Science and Human Services

“You’re going to be very excited today but the most important thing is that when you look back at your years at Midwestern State University you have to remember that the connection with the school has not ended, it has just started. During your professional career you are going to have the well of knowledge from your teachers that is always going to be just an email away, phone call, or a trip away for you to consult with them… on professional problems in your professional life. So we will always be there for you we are always your faculty, teachers and mentors for every stage in the future,” Martin Camacho, Dean of the College of Fain Fine Arts and professor of music

“Be a lifelong learner, learning doesn’t stop at school,” Morgan Page, assistant professor of graphic design

“Follow your dreams, work hard, and pay attention to those around you. You have accomplished something that very few people in the nation have. You should be proud and remember that you have people behind you all the way, you had parents, loved ones, and whether you think so or not you had professors behind you all the way. Remember Midwestern State and remember where you came from because we’l remember you,” Phillip Wilson, associate professor of marketing

“Find a job doing what you love to do. Don’t do a job just for the money. Do a job just because you love doing it you will be so much happier in the long run,” Sandra Belcher, assistant professor of mathematics

“I think they are prepared to go out into the world and succeed and we as the faculty are so proud of them. When we look out there and see these folks that are graduating it makes us proud,” Robert Forrester, chair of economics, finance and general business

“Do you know how to achieve the impossible? You just don’t stop, this is the first day of your just don’t stop,” Angela Cartwright, assistant professor of curriculum and learning

“My favorite word of advice is, choose wisely,” Scott Meddaugh, professor of geoscience



Master’s | 101
Bachelor’s | 560
Associate’s | 0

Dillard College of Business of Administration | 137
Gordon T. And Ellen West College of Education | 100
Lamar B. Fain College of Fine Arts | 29
Robert D. And Carol Gunn College of Health Sciences and Human Services | 310
Prothro-Yeager College of Humanities and Social Sciences | 65
McCoy College of Science, Mathematics and Engineering | 82

Master of Business Administration | 19
Master of Arts Education | 17
Master of Education | 32
Master of Arts in Criminal Justice | 4
Master of Health Administration | 5
Master of Science in Exercise Physiology | 6
Master of Science in Nursing | 2
Master of Science | 6
Bachelor of Science | 356
Bachelor of Business Administration | 118
Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences | 14
Bachelor of Arts | 48
Bachelor of Social Work | 6
Bachelor of Fine Arts | 9
Bachelor of Music | 9

Source: Midwestern State University commencement program

CORRECTION: In a previous version of this story we had the name of Parker Short’s work place incorrect. The Wichitan regrets this error.

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