Nathan Snuggs, undecided freshmen, and David Hawkins, computer science freshman, play Donkey Kong Racing while other residence eat dinner at the Pierce Residence Hall Throwback Game night Sept. 29. Photo by Bradley Wilson
Nathan Snuggs, undecided freshmen, and David Hawkins, computer science freshman, play Donkey Kong Racing while other residence eat dinner at the Pierce Residence Hall Throwback Game night Sept. 29. Photo by Bradley Wilson

About 30 Pierce residents attend Throwback Game Night

October 2, 2018

To encourage students to get outside and to experience more activities around campus, the Residence Hall Association hosted Throwback Game Night at Pierce Hall in the first floor lounge at 8 p.m. Sept. 29. About 30 people played games including Super Mario Bros, Super Smash Bros. and Donkey Kong Racing, along with music, free food, juices and water.

Inge playing
Bradley Wilson
Noah Inge, residence hall assistant, and Tyler George play Super Smash Bros. at the Pierce Residence Hall Throwback Game night Sept. 29. Photo by Bradley Wilson

Noah Inge, resident assistant and mechanical engineering sophomore, said, “These events keep students connected and to be able to make lots of friends with similar interests on campus. Everyone who comes out is treated like family here.”

Inge set up three gaming consoles and TV’s set up around the lounge with multiplayer games.

The most popular game at the event was Super Smash Bros.

“My favorite game is Super Smash Bros. because its great for parties and events like these,” Inge said.

The game Super Smash Bros. is a fighting game able to have up to eight players compete.

“It gets us to stay on campus to find things to do on weekends that way I wont have to leave campus to find things to do with other residents here,” Erick Lopez, general business freshman, said.

To advertise the event, Inge posted flyers on the doors all around Pierce Hall a week before the game night.

“It’s been planned for two weeks and took three to four hours to put together setting up game consoles and preparing food,” Inge said.

The night wasn’t just full of computer games.

Chelsey La Touche, nursing senior, Lavin P. Green, biology junior, and Lyn R. Jno Baptiste, geosciences sophomore,  made chili and queso for all of the residents — two pots full. And a crowd of six, mostly girls, played cards.

Hawkins playing
Bradley Wilson
David Hawkins, computer science freshman, plays Donkey Kong Racing at the Pierce Residence Hall Throwback Game night Sept. 29. Photo by Bradley Wilson

“It’s a great way to build community at Pierce Hall with other residents,” David Hawkins, computer science freshmen, said.

The throwback game night was the last event for the month of September,

“Next time it’s a possibility we’ll have a Halloween bash for October with a possible prize for best costume,” Inge said.

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