Marketing Senior, Kaleb Collins moniters over the children at the Lemonade day wrap up party in front of the Texoma Credit Union building on Saturday, May 5, 2018. Photo by Latoya Fondren.
Marketing Senior, Kaleb Collins moniters over the children at the Lemonade day wrap up party in front of the Texoma Credit Union building on Saturday, May 5, 2018. Photo by Latoya Fondren.

Lemonade Day helps young entrepreneurs

May 8, 2018

More than 50 lemonade stands popped up all around Wichita Falls for Lemonade Day on May 5, a day where elementary students became young entrepreneurs.

Around 300 elementary students have been preparing for the event for a month with the help of students in the entrepreneurship and management of small enterprises class.

“Lemonade Day is a community program specifically set up to teach kids how to become entrepreneurs by having their own business,” Simon Ospina, finance and economics junior, said. “They get to pick what kind of lemonade they sell, their prices and how their stand will look. All of these choices are up to them.”

Scott Manley, assistant professor of management, said this is the third year the school has been involved with this youth program and it is teaching students the value of service learning.

“The idea for our students [is] that it is service learning,” Manley said. “Not only does it help them [students] to learn the material better, to teach the stuff they’ve learned over the course of the semester, but it is also to teach them the value of giving back.”

Each group chooses what they want to support and give donations to. Nelli Ho, young entrepreneur, wanted to donate money to her sister, Nini Ho, to help pay for bills due to cancer.

“It really touched my heart because she’s only nine years old and she doesn’t need to pay attention to what’s going on with me medical wise,” Nini Ho said. “She doesn’t need to take care of my bills or even help me, I just want her support and that’s what sisters are for.”

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