Students enjoy their week-long Spring break

March 20, 2018

Good weather, sleeping in and lessened responsibilities. This was a reality for many students during their spring break. Students across campus spent their week-long breaks engaged in various different activities. While some said that they went out of the state in fun road trips, others stayed indoors and enjoyed the lengthy break from homework and tests. Though for some students, spring break was no different because of work or other commitments.

Rachael Stagner, psychology and sociology sophomore | “I had an eventful spring break. Foremost, I got a kitten. I then went to Six Flags with my boyfriend, and the next day my mom, my boyfriend and I went to Magnolia in Waco, Texas. ”

Michelle Estrada, criminal justice freshman | “I went to Mexico to get therapy for my legs. I got injured, they said it was overused muscle, I got acupuncture.”

Amerhyst Aguirre, nursing freshman  | “I went home, relaxed and watched netflix.”

Jacob Warren, economics senior | “I went with my family to Oregon. We went to go see the red wood forest, hung out by the beach, and we ocean fishing.”

Connor Whitten, management information systems sophomore | “Just hanged out in my hometown, nothing too crazy. I hung out with some friends that I haven’t seen in a while. ”

Ashton Rogers, business freshman | “I went to Destin, Florida. [I went there because of] my high school friends. They go to Alabama and so I went out there.”

Jocelyn Taggart, art junior | “I did a lot of stuff actually. I celebrated my mom’s boyfriend’s birthday, I spent time with him and I spent time with my friends as well as went to ALL-CON for the first time. ALL-CON is a convention that year took place in Addison, near the Dallas area, which basically focuses on all pop culture stuff like comic books, tv shows, books, like anime, video games and all that such.”

Dwayne Tate, kinesiology freshman | “I went to South Padre Island and I was with my girlfriend, we had fun on the beach, went to a concert saw Migos and Lil Uzi. We also went to bars and had fun.”

D’Montae Turner, political science sophomore | “I went to Siesta Beach in Florida, and went swimming. [My favorite part about going] I really liked the beach, it was really nice sand, a lot of sand, white sand so it was really great.”

Jahari Hill, freshman exercise physiology| “[For spring break] I did absolutely nothing but sleep and eat.”

Jeff Hamon, exercise physiology junior| “I went hiking, canoed and hammocked: basic stuff like that, I didn’t go anywhere special. [I went to] over on lake Texoma, just different hiking trails.”

Desmond Jefferson, mass communication freshman | “I went to Dallas, I rode bikes, I went to events and I had a lot of fun. I rode regular bikes just around the city of Dallas, it was pretty fun. I went to late night events, the fun type of events.”

Grace Tsichlis, English freshman | “I went home [in Plano, TX], I hung out with my friends and family as well. I went shopping and watched netflix.”

Kristen Norman, nursing freshman | “I actually stayed on campus. My parents came up for a couple of days, and we just went around and ate at local whole in the wall places. One day, when me and one of my friends, who actually stayed as well, we went and found the waterfall. It was turned on, I would’ve been sad if it was turned off. “

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