Pamela Hughes, director of markting and development for THE Kitchen, throws candy at students during the Student Government Association on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. Photo by Francisco Martinez (Francisco Martinez)
Pamela Hughes, director of markting and development for THE Kitchen, throws candy at students during the Student Government Association on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. Photo by Francisco Martinez

Francisco Martinez

SGA proposes to honor victims of Florida shooting

February 20, 2018

To update and inform attendees of housing changes, volunteer opportunities, community service opportunities and potential technological advancements, the Student Government Association hosted its bi-weekly meeting in the Clark Student Center Comanche Suite on Feb. 20.

Francisco Martinez
Pamela Hughes, director of marketing and development for THE Kitchen, speaks about attempting to gather 6,000 people in hopes to set a guinness world record for most couples dancing at the same time, during the Student Government Association on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. Photo by Francisco Martinez

Ace Elliot, student government community service chairwoman, is waiting on approval to reserve a booth outside of the Comanche Suit in the Clark Student Center and said she would like for the community to come together and send personalized cards to each of the 17 victims’ families who were affected by the Florida school shooting. Since the approval is pending there is no set date, but the time of the event would be 11a.m. to 2p.m.

“No amount of words could help, but [telling the families] that while we’re here in Texas, we’re thinking about those in Florida,” Elliot said. “It impacted all of us somehow, the small things really make a difference.”

Attendance from students is needed April 21 to help Meals on Wheels break the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest number of couples dancing. Director of Marketing and Development for Meals on Wheels, Pam Hughes, said at least 300 volunteers are needed alongside the 6,000 people estimated to attend to break the record. As long as student identification is shown, students get into the event for free and have the access to free transportation to and from the event provided by the school and Meals on Wheels.

“We are going to have drones flying overhead, it’ll be a lot of fun,” Hughes said. “After it’s over, we’re going to have a super celebration [with] vendors, alcohol, if you’re legal, and water if you’re not. And DJ Marcus will be the main entertainment for the night.”

Other items discussed:

  • Chief Information Officer, David Sanchez, discussed the comprehensive survey that will be available in early March which students will have the option to take to help better the technological disadvantages that may be present on campus. Sanchez also mentioned the advancements already being implemented to better serve students.
  • Kristi Schulte, director of residence life, informed SGA members of the increase in the number of students living on campus, how the residence life budget is spent, where and when the housing office is set to move and the tearing down of Bridwell Hall.
  • Various attendees spoke on their organization’s achievements and what their upcoming achievements will be.

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