When I see people wearing masks, it’s either at a costume party or doing something they shouldn’t. For someone to wear a mask, hide their identity and act in a way that will hinder others is purely shameful.
I don’t understand the thought process of people who are eager to dress up as clowns. First of all, they’re ugly, second, they’re creepy and third, clowns have been related in a chain of crimes. Even if someone is a good person, he will be associated with the negativity that comes along with clowns no matter what his intentions are.
People who walk around with a mask on, have weapons or aggressively approach people, even if it’s just a joke, I have no sympathy for anything that happens to them.
Go watch videos of people getting scared and watch the victims reaction. The typical reaction is one of two ways: they either scream, curl up in a ball and start crying, or like me, they accidentally punch their friend in the face.
There are multiple consequences to being stupid enough to dress up as a clown: arrest, assault and murder. A clown who approaches and scares the wrong person could get shot, this is Texas after all.
Given the tension between average citizens and the police in America and the increasing murder rates compared to last year, why in the world would people dress up as a murderous clown?
Creepy clowns are walking around at night often with weapon in hand. A clown could be walking around with a nerf sword and people would still think it was a weapon. That’s still a crime people have been convicted for.
There are stories about children nearly getting kidnapped, clowns hiding in the shadows, following people, committing crimes, and the cops are actually catching these people.
Quit all the trouble and put the clown costume away. If students are determined to dress in a mask on a Tuesday, try to be more like the guy who dresses up as Spider-Man and passes out candy on campus. That’s what we really need more of.
Michelle Dickey is a mass communication junior.