The Wichitan graduating seniors say goodbye
December 2, 2022
Omar Combie:

After designing hundreds of newspaper pages, my time at The Wichitan is almost at an end. My three and a half years with this organization have been filled with successes, laughs, struggles and plenty of lessons learned. Even in my final semester, I am still learning new tricks and tips. A part of me wishes this wasn’t the end, but in my heart of hearts, I know I got to move on to the next endeavor. To any fellow graphic designers on campus, I hope you consider joining The Wichitan. Newspaper design may not be your passion, but the discipline and organizational skills that it teaches you are invaluable. When I first joined, I just wanted a place to hone my graphic design skills. The Wichitan gave me that and more: friends who I’ve made incredible memories with, opportunities to represent the university on the state-wide level and skills, both technical and soft, that I can apply to the workplace. It’s been a blast. All the best to the next generation of Wichitan staff!
Stephanie Robledo:

I joined the Wichitan during the second week of my freshman year. I didn’t think anything about it, I just knew that I wanted to write. As the years went on I got more involved. I went from reporter to editor-in-chief.
When I first stepped into the newsroom I never thought I would spend most of my time there. From office hours to late productions, you can almost always find me there. The Wichitan has been such a big part of my college life, it’s odd to think that in a week I will be packing up my desk.
I have enjoyed my time at The Wichitan and I’m so glad to have become a part of it my freshman year. As cliche as it is to say, The Wichitan did help me grow and step out of my comfort zone. I’m thankful for all the opportunities The Wichitan has given me from participating in TIPA to having a Spanish section. I’m not a sentimental person but I would be lying if I said I won’t miss The Wichitan and all the people I have met through it. I wish everyone the best and I know they will continue making The Wichitan great.
Thalia Bravo:

To the MSU mass communication department, To the Wichitan, to my editors and to my fellow readers, thank you for allowing me to share the past two years with you. I’ve felt honored to be able to share and have students voices be heard for the community. I’m grateful for every experience The Wichitan has given me, it was here when I found my love to write again; Where I was able to be on the front lines of many games, events and have one on one experiences with so many students. Where I was able to express my opinions freely. And lastly, but most importantly for me, to shine the light on the Latino community and Latin artists, and help our campus become more integrated. Thank you for all your love and support; and if I’ve interviewed you, thank you for allowing me to share your life and your story with the world.
A. DeFore:

Thank you to Cecil Witherspoon for drawing a turtle on every white board in the mass communication building. Thank you to Bradley Wilson for always erasing all the turtles and saying “they must have walked away.” Thank you to the person who stole one of Stephanie Robledo’s tamales on the last night of production. PSA, you don’t eat the husk, you should go see a doctor and maybe a psychiatrist. Thank you to Omar Combie for being my gossip buddy and listening to all my rants and raves. Thank you to Jim Sernoe for proving to me that I never want to go into law no matter how much I like to argue. As my time here comes to a close I acknowledge those who have made an impact on my time here. The Wichitan has given me skills that I will take forward into grad school for publishing. Even though I will be across the country in Portland Oregon, I will always remember my time here.