Students discuss plans after quarantine

April 29, 2020

All of us can’t wait for this pandemic to be over and to be free of quarantine. Due to self-isolation, there hasn’t been much opportunity to get out of the house, do routine activities and be with friends. Here are some of the first things students plan to do when the quarantine ends:

Micah Wilson
Micah Wilson

“As soon as quarantine is over, I am going to go to the gym,” Micah Wilson, mass communication senior, said. “I’ve missed being able to do my normal routines. It’s been difficult to be consistent with working out so I’ll be glad to get back in there.



Avery Lewis
Avery Lewis

Avery Lewis, elementary education senior, said, “The first thing I am going to do once quarantine is over is hang out with my friends. I have missed being around them and getting to hang out. It will be really good to feel social again!”



Claudia Antill
Claudia Antill

“I honestly can’t wait for the gyms to open back up,” Claudia Antill, nursing senior, said. “The gym was my way to relieve stress. I also can’t wait for little road trips.”



Collin Coovert
Collin Coovert

“The first thing I’m doing after quarantine is finding the closest soccer field and just going to kick the ball around. I miss playing the sport I love and can’t wait to play it again,” Collin Coovert, kinesiology sophomore, said.



Kayla Parnell
Kayla Parnell

Kayla Parnell, nursing sophomore, said, “[I will] probably have a lot of people over for dinner since I’ll be married before the end of quarantine and my fiancé and I love to cook [and] host. [That] or get my hair cut and my nails done. I’ve been wanting a haircut for a while, and I can’t get my nails done during the semester because of nursing school, so as soon as salons open I’m using my opportunity for some pampering.”



Nathan Blain
Nathan Blain

“I’m definitely taking a week off work [after quarantine], because this has drained me,” Nathan Blain, education sophomore, said.



Kenzie Morgan
Kenzie Morgan

“The first thing I’m gonna do when quarantine is over is get together with all my friends because I miss them so much,” Kenzie Morgan, nursing freshman, said.



Emma Midgette
Emma Midgette

“After quarantine, I’m going to meet my niece for the very first time because I won’t be able to see her until afterward,” Emma Midgette, undecided sophomore, said.



Trevor Carlton
Trevor Carlton

“[I want to] go see a movie,” Trevor Carlton, nursing senior, said. “Not a specific one, just go see one. I enjoy the theater.”



Tariq Pratt
Tariq Pratt

Tariq Pratt, mechanical engineering sophomore, said, “I plan to go outside and play volleyball and enjoy the public events to the fullest because life is too short and everything should be appreciated.”



Conner Chamberlain
Conner Chamberlain

Conner Chamberlain, mathematics and secondary teaching junior, said, “[I plan to] hang out with friends for sure [just] play some games and catch up.”



Serena Burns
Serena Burns

“I will be going to Chili’s for a cookie skillet, because their takeout skillets don’t compare to the dine-in experience,” Serena Burns, bilingual education sophomore, said.



Ashleigh Jaratina
Ashleigh Jaratina

Ashleigh Jaratina, radiology freshman, said, “The first thing I’m going to do after quarantine is celebrate my 21st birthday! Dress up all fancy with my friends and hit up a nice fancy restaurant.”



Imanuelle Skerrit
Imanuelle Skerrit

Immanuelle Skerritt, pre-med freshman, said, “Probably go to a restaurant, I actually miss going places.”









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