Dani Ayala and Tristen Lamberti snap a quick selfie with Cheech at book signing on Sept. 19 (Demian Ponce)
Dani Ayala and Tristen Lamberti snap a quick selfie with Cheech at book signing on Sept. 19

Demian Ponce

Cheech displays his heritage through artwork at WFMA

September 20, 2018

About 350 people attended Cheech Marin’s new art gallery opening on Sept. 19 at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art. Marin, whose original first name is Richard, is an American stand-up comedian, actor, voice actor, writer and activist who gained recognition as part of the comedy act Cheech & Chong.

Curator of education, Joshua Maxwell | “It’s very remarkable, it shows cultural experience, it takes the individual experience into account and translates it into a way of expressing and communicating it with the people. It’s important for the students to be able to see it because if they can get a little bit of art in their lives then they can be able to take ownership in theirs and take on new ones.”

Graduate senior, Rachel Wilson | “I saw it yesterday and wanted to get a second look. It’s really inspiring.”

Graphic design junior, Juan Parra | “[I attended] because it’s Cheech and I’ve only met a couple celebrities. Plus he’s here showing art in Wichita Falls.”

Art and biology senior, Sandra Cruz |”[I attended] because I’m an art major, and I’m chicano. It’s nice to represent the artwork.”

Graphic design senior, Katlyn Boyett | “I’m an art major, and it’s good to look at art created by other people,” said Boyett. “Art created by less represented people and see it just from their perspective.”

RELATED STORY: Cheech Marin speaks about Chicano art



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