Tony Vidmar discusses LinkedIn at Midwestern State University Social Media Day, Sept. 25, 2017. Photo by Bradley Wilson (Bradley Wilson)
Tony Vidmar discusses LinkedIn at Midwestern State University Social Media Day, Sept. 25, 2017. Photo by Bradley Wilson

Bradley Wilson

LinkedIn: Define your brand, your promise

September 27, 2017

Tony Vidmar, vice president of advancement and public affairs, gave information about a LinkedIn and the benefits of having a LinkedIn account during the second annual Social Media Day session Sept. 25.

“LinkedIn in a few words  can be used for professional networking, a way for employers to check profiles and way to promotes businesses and yourself,” Vidmar said. “LinkedIn is about defining your brand. Your brand is your promise.”

Vidmar demonstrated how to use LinkedIn by personally signing on to his  and showing the audience the uses, which were, job postings and being able to post a personal academic resume.

“You don’t want to be heard too much on LinkedIn. It’s not Twitter. You can’t be annoying to employers,” Vidmar said, trying to remind the audience that LinkedIn is personal but a professional setting as well

“If you’re not using LinkedIn you’re crazy,” Bradley Wilson, associate professor, said.

The audience filled with students, gave a few chuckles throughout the session.

Students that attended, when giving their feedback, seemed pleased.

Wendy Samuels, accounting senior, said, “Social media is benefiting for us as it is used for many different reasons, why?  As i listened to the LinkedIn session, it can be used for networking and research and an easier way to get around indirectly as we are busy beings.”

“It was not a lecture but it was surely a teachable presentation,” Shakeeba Joseph, marketing sophomore, also praised the session.

“I’ve learned to accept media for what it is and what it has to offer,” Joseph, said.

Cortney Wood, mass communication sophomore, said, “I learned how to use LinkedIn and adapt that to my needs, I will be creating my own LinkedIn now.”

Some students like Andrea Hall, a senior at Archer City High School, had never heard of LinkedIn before.

“I’m still glad I came though, I think it’s something I’ll look into doing when I graduate high school so I’ll have more stuff to add to it going into college,” Hall said.


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