MSU responded to students’ recent safety concerns with a self-defense class on Tuesday, October 22.
The Student Government Association in collaboration with the Redwine Student Wellness Center brought retired police officer Steve Gregg on campus to help students learn self-defense techniques and situational awareness strategies.
Recently, MSU’s Housing Office has decided to extend front desk hours at Sundance Court, McCullough-Trigg Hall and Killingsworth Hall from 1 a.m. to 8 a.m. on weekdays.
“You saw those comments on Yik Yak that were like what are we doing to defend our students, how are we helping students and it was just our way of trying to find something that we could give back to students to help them feel safe,” Student Government Association president Vincent Peter said.
Students joined Gregg in Legacy MPR and learned different types of grips, strikes and defense moves.
Besides training students how to defend themselves, Gregg also explained the value of situational awareness, which he says is even more important than fighting back.
He describes that every assault has three common elements that include the suspect, opportunity and the victim. Gregg claimed that having awareness “takes away the opportunity.”
“Walk with your chest up, head up like you’re serious about what’s going on around you and then stay out of your cell phone. When you walk up and down the street or up and down the sidewalk, be aware of what’s going on around you,” Gregg said.
Peter finds the training was useful, but he might have some difficulty remembering all the steps. Even so, he feels more confident now.
“There were some things that I didn’t know, or you’d never think of like, ‘Oh this is how you would do that?’ So I’m glad now to have that knowledge,” Peter said.
For the students that were not able to make it to the class and are interested in self-defense, Gregg recommends them to take lessons in karate, jiu-jitsu and boxing, all of which can be found in Wichita Falls.
To learn more about Title IX resources on campus, click here. To report sexual misconduct, contact Title IX Director and Coordinator Laura Hetrick at (940) 397-4213 or laura.hetrick@msutexas.edu, or file a report form here.