Sigma Kappa held its Pie-a-Sig-Kap on April 16.
Pie-a-Sig-Kap was a fundraiser for the Sigma Kappa Pulse fund. Respiratory therapy freshman and Vice President of Philanthropic Service Laura Bryant explained the funds are not only used for Sigma Kappa members, but also to help victims of natural disasters.
“It’s used as an emergency fund for any Sigma Kappas who may need help, or that money could go to natural disasters in locations that are in need of any funding,” Byrant explained.
But Pie-a-Sig-Kap is not the only event the sorority holds. Byrant explained that the sorority helps to keep trails in Hamilton Park clean and hold a walk to help raise awareness for Alzheimer,s.
“So, every semester, three times a semester, we do a trail clean-up in Hamilton Park, and then every fall we participate in the ‘Walk to End Alzheimer’s,’” Bryant said.
The sorority donates to five different philanthropies throughout the year. These philanthropies include the Sigma Kappa Foundation, Inherit the Earth, Gerontology, Maine Sea Coast Mission and Alzheimer’s disease.
“Every chapter donates to all of the same things,” Bryant said.
Sigma Kappa does not plan on hosting any other events this semester, but does already have plans for the fall semester.
“This is our last one for this semester, but in the fall we will be, there will be an Alzheimer’s walk,” Bryant said.
Despite being Bryant’s first year in the sorority, she explained that there were benefits to joining Sigma Kappa in its philanthropy efforts.
“It gives you so many fun opportunities and chances to do service and make friends,” Bryant said.