MSU hosted a Wellness Fair on Feb. 7 for students to learn about the resources that are available to them on and off campus.
Vendors set up booths on the Wellness Center’s free courts, allowing students to come and go as they pleased. Among the booths at the Wellness Fair were MSU’s Disability Support Services, MSU Counseling, TimelyCare, Wichita Falls Public Health Department, LiveWell Wichita County, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Complete Nutrition and Absolute Wellness.
The booths at the Wellness Fair covered many aspects of health and the services available for college students. Experts and officials informed students about physical, mental, sexual and nutritional wellness. A popular booth during the fair was the Absolute Wellness booth, which gave students free product samples.

Finance senior Lily Hartgrove and management senior Brett Hartgrove shared their ways on how they keep their wellness on the right track as college students, saying they plan ahead and pick the right foods for the week.
Helena Wise and Ashley Sisk from the LiveWell Wichita County booth shared advice to help college students keep up with their wellness.
Wise advised students to, “Find something that you love to do and make it a priority.”
“Care about your future self as well as your past self and present self,” said Sisk, continuing, “ I know a lot of people typically think of them in the past tense but really we have a whole future ahead of us and it really starts now.”
“Really care about yourself because that’s what’ll set you for the day. It’s gonna set your tone to be mindful and actually get things done and be productive. Starting your day the right way will do wonders,” Sisk said.