April 1
Maverick’s Day of Service.
The Office of Student Leadership and Involvement will be hosting its annual Maverick’s Day of Service. This event provides students the opportunity to volunteer and help out the Wichita Falls Community. The event will begin at 9am and run till 12pm with check in starting at 8am. Saturday, April 1 in the CSC Atrium.
April 8
“Supporting Indigenous Sisters: An International Print Exchange” Exhibition Opening
The Wichita Falls Museum of Art is hosting an art exhibition focused on activating conversations about missing and murdered indigenous women. The exhibition will feature the works for 16 diverse artists focusing on their individuality and collective experience as women. The event will begin at 1pm and run till 5pm. Saturday, April 8 at the WFMA.
April 11
Student Government Association Electoral Debate.
Tuesday, April 11 in the BAC Lone Star Room, The Student Government Association will be hosting their candidate electoral debate. This event offers students the opportunity to ask questions and get to know their Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates. Voting will begin the day after the debate, Wednesday, April 12 and will run till Wednesday, April 19.