Lauren Colpitts
General business junior Daniel Gallivoda participates in the mummy wrapping contest as Micheal Myers, Oct. 28.
Halloween is a time of year that allows people to dress up and become someone who they wouldn’t normally be. On Thursday, Oct. 28, the Clark Student Center presented a Halloween party to give that chance of dressing up and becoming unrecognizable for the students at MSU. This party included many different events that the students were able to participate in. Some of these events had prizes that came with winning.
“It involves art, sports and games,” Ashli Gafford, social work freshman, said.
The party was held in the atrium of the Clark Student center, where decorations and food were set up. The decorations consisted of jack-o-lanterns, spider webs, pumpkins, gravestones and scary figures. Other organizations attended, such as Kappa Pi who handed goodie bags out to all the students who attended.
“The decorations are really nice… they really went above and beyond with thinking of the decorations,” Tasha Fields, radiological technologies sophomore, said.

The night had many events including the donut eating contest, a monster mystery contest, glow in the dark ping pong competition, wood painting, costume contest and pumpkin bowling. The students were eager to compete against one another, but in the end, only one can win. The first winner was Danya Phillip, mechanical engineering junior, who won the donut eating contest. She was followed by Krystifer Ross, zoology junior, who won the glow in the dark ping pong competition. Shortly after that, the murder mystery contest took place, leading group 1 to win.

“The murder mystery has been interesting, I would always watch criminal minds and stuff like that with my mom so I think it’s really fun… it’s the really hyped-up part of the event,” Christa Pegram, geoscience freshman, said.
There was wood painting, which included decorating Halloween ornaments as well as pumpkin bowling, which allowed the students to roll pumpkins to knock down pins. The students were bouncing around and anticipating whether a pumpkin can actually roll in a vertical line to knock down the number of pins they wanted. Pumpkin bowling empowered the students to feel accomplished by gaining a goodie bag or cup when they were done playing.
“I’m really enjoying the different things that there is to do, like wood painting which had to do with the theme; there was also ping pong and the donut eating contest,” Reyes said.
The night finished off with a costume competition. The students had the opportunity to dress up as characters of their choosing and the judges would then choose the best. There were many characters from different categories, such as films and shows. One student dressed up as Raven from “Teen Titans Go”, her outfit won one of the many categories there were for the costume contest. Other students went all out by dressing up as Chucky, Micheal Myers, Harley Quinn, Lucifer, Kocho Shinobu, Sabrina from the show “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina”, Pokemon, Werewolves and other Halloween favorites.
“Halloween all the way… let’s do it all year long,” Fields said.