Enjoy brass music while tasting German cuisine at OcTubafest this Thursday on the steps of Akin Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
“The previous concert was inside last year. This time, weather permitting, it will be outside,” Christopher Vivio, assistant professor of music, said. “The idea is that it should hopefully grow.”
The event, stylized after the German celebration of Oktoberfest, was a huge success in its maiden appearance on campus in 2017, attracting around 35 people. The crowd included students from local high schools, as well as the university community.
“We are teaming up with Kappa Kappa Psi, the music fraternity, and they will be serving bratwursts and root beer while we play the music,” Vivio said.
Vivio is hoping that the event goes down well again this year.
“At my previous schools, the event has grown in popularity from year to year. Kappa Kappa Psi has bought roughly 150 bratwursts, so I hope we have at least 70 people in attendance,” Vivio said.
Passion for music and class requirements are two reasons students give as to why they plan on attending the concert.
“I’ve never been to a tuba concert,” Cadence Talbot, nursing freshman, said. “I would think it would be like a marching band but I don’t know quite what to expect.”
Despite using several pieces that people might not be familiar with, Vivio said everyone should try and come out and support the low brass ensemble.
“We are playing a variety of music including German polkas,” Vivio said.
While this might not sound appealing to some, the concert is more than just about the music. It is an experience.
“It is kind of like a big party,” Vivio said. “Just come out, enjoy the food, and enjoy the music for a while.”
This is exactly what Talbot has planned for the evening.
“From advertisements I’ve seen i think it’s more focused around being an ethnic or cultural experience,” Talbot said. “I hope it will help me meet new people that are there wanting the same experience as me.”
Zachary Allen, marketing sophomore, said he enjoyed last year’s festivities so much he is returning for a second time.
“When I went to OcTubafest last year, I was really impressed with the cohesiveness of the ensemble and the overall sound,” Allen said.
Despite being more prolific in the string and percussion fields, Allen said he is excited to listen to the brass music again this time around.
“This year, I have no doubt the players will be able do the instrument justice. I think it’ll be enjoyable for everyone who attends,” Allen said.
Typically, a low brass ensemble contains two tubas (or a tuba and a euphonium), and two trombones creating a distinct sound different from other brass ensembles.
6:30 p.m. — Food served (two bratwursts and a root beer will cost $6)
7:30 p.m. — Concert begins in Akin Auditorium (at the end of the Hardin administration building)