If you are reading this right now, that means that you actually are aware of the fact that MSU has a student-run paper.
Unfortunately, a large chunk of the student body has no idea about the paper, and probably has no idea about what is going on in the community either.
Young adults are becoming more and more self-absorbed and less concious about the community and the events that occur around them.
Today, society has so many different news sources: newspapers, TV stations, radio, websites, blogs, Twitter and even Facebook. There is so much going on in the lives of college students, however, that they seem to overlook the important events happening in their communities.
Newspapers used to be the center of the public information highway. Now newspapers are becoming just another piece of litter pushed down the street by a gust of wind.
It’s a sad thing to think about – such a valuable source of information is being overlooked and forgotten.
In the 1970s, two reporters brought down a web of lies and exposed a presidential scandal. It was the shock of a century. Citizens, reporters and people all around the world still reference the Watergate Scandal and how the media was involved.
It was an important event, and every other important national event was reported in a newspaper. Every nationally impactful event has been covered in detail and with accuracy in one newspaper or another.
In Fall 2010, The Wichitan reported on a huge story about the Harvey House. This article included never-before-seen facts, numbers and interviews.Faculty and staff were outraged.
But what about the students?
A small chunk of the student body knew what was going on. The majority had no idea until their friend, who heard from another friend, who heard from another friend who reads the paper, let them know by word of mouth four days later.
Is it a decline in quality of content of newspapers? I think not. Rather, it is a decline in the awareness of young adults.
News is always happening. News is all around us. Not everything is about the next sorority event or the latest fraternity fundraiser.
Unfortunately, students just can’t seem to break loose of the social scene news.
The good news is newspapers have also gone digital. Middle-aged business people and many news-savvy youth have taken advantage of the digital newspaper age. But it is still not “trending” as much as Justin Bieber or Beyoncé.
This form of newspaper makes it easier for readers to communicate with the journalists and allows the community to be more involved with what goes into the paper.
Even The Wichitan has made itself digital, all in an effort to inform the MSU campus in a more convenient way.
Unfortunately, many college students have not taken advantage of the super convenient portal to the latest goings-on around campus.
Since the launch of The Wichitan website this past Friday, there have only been three total comments.
The technology of newspapers has improved and changed with the times. But why hasn’t readership?
It’s in your hands.