Defender and finance junior Koby Sapon-Amoah attempts a shot at goals against Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
The men’s soccer team made it to the NCAA II quarterfinals with an undefeated 20-0-2 record. In a close game that went into overtime twice and was decided by penalty kick, the soccer team fell to Cal Poly Pomona.
“The season as whole went really well. We stuck together through and through, it is unfortunate to lose this way but this is how soccer goes sometimes. If you take it to a penalty kick shoot out it is a flip of a coin, so it can always go either way,” Alex Mullet, defender and finance junior, said.
Forward and psychology senior Scott Doney defends a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona with a header to the center field. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
The first half ended with a score of 0-0. Taylor Lampe, goalkeeper and exercise physiology redshirt freshman, saved four shot attempts by Cal Poly Pomona. The men’s soccer team had nine shot attempts in the first half.
The second half was more aggressive. At the 40:05 mark, Sebastian Venegas, midfielder and business management sophomore, made a goal. Not long after, Lampe missed a Cal Poly Pomona penalty kick and the score was 1-1. The game was tied until the 15:26 mark when the men’s soccer team made another goal. Pierre Bocquet, midfielder and business senior, kicked the ball up toward the goal and Scott Doney, forward and psychology senior, got the ball in the goal. They were in the lead for a little while, but at the 8:19 mark the score was matched at 2-2. The score was not changed, so the game went into overtime.
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At the 4:56 mark of overtime, Koby Sapon-Amoah, defender and finance redshirt sophomore, assisted the ball to Carlos Flores, midfielder and sports medicine freshman, to make the shot, but it was blocked by the opposing goalkeeper. The first overtime had no score change, so the game went into another overtime. The second overtime was just as the first. With 20 extra minutes added onto the game, the score was still 2-2. The winning decision would be made by penalty kicks.
The crowd reacts to an MSU player missing a shot during the second half of the NCAA II Playoff Championship game against Cal Poly Pomona where MSU lost in the sixth round of PK shots, 6-5. Photo by Rachel Johnson
“It was a great game. We played our hardest but missed many opportunities, but in the end they got the best of us in penalties,” Carter Richards, kinesiology junior, said.
There were six penalty kicks shot before the end of the game. Doney and Bocquet were the first two kickers for the men’s soccer team. Ross Fitzpatrick, midfielder and exercise physiology sophomore, and Patrick Fitzgerald, defender and kinesiology junior, were able to make their kicks past the goalkeeper. Lampe was not able to stop the Cal Poly Pomona kicks that were made in between the MSU kicks. Mullet was the last MSU player to make the kick. Jordan Speed, defender and business senior, kicked the ball and it bounced off the post. Cal Poly Pomona was able to make the opposing kick and won the game.
“I thought we played pretty good at the start, it was pretty even at the end of the first half. Then going into overtime I didn’t know what to expect. I was hoping we came out with the win, even though we didn’t I am still proud of the guys for fighting,” Christian Oseguera, business junior, said.
This brings the men’s soccer season to a close with an overall record of 20-0-3.
The rest of the team, as well as coaches, were not able to comment.
2017 Soccer Championships
Defender and business senior Jordan Speed chases a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona, in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Defender and business senior Jordan Speed chases a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona, in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Defender and business senior Jordan Speed chases a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona, in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Forward and psychology senior Scott Doney defends a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona with a header to the center field. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Forward and psychology senior Scott Doney defends a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona with a header to the center field. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Forward and psychology senior Scott Doney defends a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona with a header to the center field. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and business senior Pierre Bocquet traps the ball with his chest in the NCAA Division II Championship playoffs against Cal Poly Pomona. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and business senior Pierre Bocquet traps the ball with his chest in the NCAA Division II Championship playoffs against Cal Poly Pomona. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and business senior Pierre Bocquet traps the ball with his chest in the NCAA Division II Championship playoffs against Cal Poly Pomona. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Head coach Doug Elder takes a moment to gather himself after Cal Poly Pomona matches the score to 2-2 in the second half of the NCAA Divison II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Head coach Doug Elder takes a moment to gather himself after Cal Poly Pomona matches the score to 2-2 in the second half of the NCAA Divison II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Head coach Doug Elder takes a moment to gather himself after Cal Poly Pomona matches the score to 2-2 in the second half of the NCAA Divison II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Head coach Doug Elder takes a moment to gather himself after Cal Poly Pomona matches the score to 2-2 in the second half of the NCAA Divison II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Head coach Doug Elder takes a moment to gather himself after Cal Poly Pomona matches the score to 2-2 in the second half of the NCAA Divison II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Head coach Doug Elder takes a moment to gather himself after Cal Poly Pomona matches the score to 2-2 in the second half of the NCAA Divison II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and business senior Pierre Bocquet jumps to deflect a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona with midfielder and exercise physiology sophomore Ross Fitzpatrick in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and business senior Pierre Bocquet jumps to deflect a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona with midfielder and exercise physiology sophomore Ross Fitzpatrick in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and business senior Pierre Bocquet jumps to deflect a corner kick by Cal Poly Pomona with midfielder and exercise physiology sophomore Ross Fitzpatrick in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
The crowd reacts to an MSU player missing a shot during the second half of the NCAA II Playoff Championship game against Cal Poly Pomona where MSU lost in the sixth round of PK shots, 6-5. Photo by Rachel Johnson
The crowd reacts to an MSU player missing a shot during the second half of the NCAA II Playoff Championship game against Cal Poly Pomona where MSU lost in the sixth round of PK shots, 6-5. Photo by Rachel Johnson
The crowd reacts to an MSU player missing a shot during the second half of the NCAA II Playoff Championship game against Cal Poly Pomona where MSU lost in the sixth round of PK shots, 6-5. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Defender and finance junior Koby Sapon-Amoah attempts a shot at goals against Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Defender and finance junior Koby Sapon-Amoah attempts a shot at goals against Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Defender and finance junior Koby Sapon-Amoah attempts a shot at goals against Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Jacob Hernandez, accounting sophomore, wipes his nose with a tissue after MSU lost to Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA II Championship Playoff game during the penality kick shoot out at Stang Park Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Jacob Hernandez, accounting sophomore, wipes his nose with a tissue after MSU lost to Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA II Championship Playoff game during the penality kick shoot out at Stang Park Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Jacob Hernandez, accounting sophomore, wipes his nose with a tissue after MSU lost to Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA II Championship Playoff game during the penality kick shoot out at Stang Park Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Patrick Fitzgerald, kinesiology junior, puts his hand on his head after a close game with two overtimes and 6 rounds of penality kicks against Cal Poly Pomona, where they won 6-5 in the PK shoot out. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Patrick Fitzgerald, kinesiology junior, puts his hand on his head after a close game with two overtimes and 6 rounds of penality kicks against Cal Poly Pomona, where they won 6-5 in the PK shoot out. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Patrick Fitzgerald, kinesiology junior, puts his hand on his head after a close game with two overtimes and 6 rounds of penality kicks against Cal Poly Pomona, where they won 6-5 in the PK shoot out. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Midfielder and exercise physiology sophomore Ross Fitzpatrick embraces defender and kinesiology junior Patrick Fitzgerald, after six rounds of penalty shootouts, losing 6-5 in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff against Cal Poly Pomona. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and exercise physiology sophomore Ross Fitzpatrick embraces defender and kinesiology junior Patrick Fitzgerald, after six rounds of penalty shootouts, losing 6-5 in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff against Cal Poly Pomona. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and exercise physiology sophomore Ross Fitzpatrick embraces defender and kinesiology junior Patrick Fitzgerald, after six rounds of penalty shootouts, losing 6-5 in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff against Cal Poly Pomona. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Pierre Bocquet, business senior, squats silently after MSU lost to Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA II Championship Playoff game during the penality kick shoot out at Stang Park Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Pierre Bocquet, business senior, squats silently after MSU lost to Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA II Championship Playoff game during the penality kick shoot out at Stang Park Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Pierre Bocquet, business senior, squats silently after MSU lost to Cal Poly Pomona in the NCAA II Championship Playoff game during the penality kick shoot out at Stang Park Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Midfielder and sports medicine freshman Carlos Flores shakes the hand of a Cal Poly Pomona player, after six rounds of penalty shootouts, losing 6-5 in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and sports medicine freshman Carlos Flores shakes the hand of a Cal Poly Pomona player, after six rounds of penalty shootouts, losing 6-5 in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and sports medicine freshman Carlos Flores shakes the hand of a Cal Poly Pomona player, after six rounds of penalty shootouts, losing 6-5 in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Head Soccer Coach Doug Elder gives the team a motivation talk about not letting life get you down after their loss in the NCAA II Playoff Championship game against Cal Poly Pomona during PK shots 6-5 at Stang Park. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Head Soccer Coach Doug Elder gives the team a motivation talk about not letting life get you down after their loss in the NCAA II Playoff Championship game against Cal Poly Pomona during PK shots 6-5 at Stang Park. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Head Soccer Coach Doug Elder gives the team a motivation talk about not letting life get you down after their loss in the NCAA II Playoff Championship game against Cal Poly Pomona during PK shots 6-5 at Stang Park. Photo by Rachel Johnson
Midfielder and business administration sophomore Saad Acheampong applauding after six rounds of penalty shootouts, losing 6-5 in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff against Cal Poly Pomona. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and business administration sophomore Saad Acheampong applauding after six rounds of penalty shootouts, losing 6-5 in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff against Cal Poly Pomona. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Midfielder and business administration sophomore Saad Acheampong applauding after six rounds of penalty shootouts, losing 6-5 in the NCAA Division II Championship playoff against Cal Poly Pomona. Nov 18. Photo by Bridget Reilly
Heya! My name starts with Bridget and ends in Reilly. I moved to Wichita Falls five years ago from New South Wales, Australia. In December 2020 I will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in sociology with a minor in criminal justice. Why the paper if this is my major? 'Cause the nerds at The Wichitan are actually the most encouraging and inspiring folks on this campus. One time in high school, my father got into it with a teacher because she said my writing skills were subpar, and while I loved his spirit, it was true; I couldn't write. So, fast forward six years, and I guess they've hired me to run the show at the student organization I've called home for the past four-and-a-half years. Not so subpar now, are we?
The Wichitan has watered me since a wee chap, and I am grateful to have learned and gained experience from seven editors. Starting off as a baby photographer in 2016 and being given the reins in 2020 is a step I never thought I had. As Chief Editor, I feel it is my responsibility to tell you, I am bloody nervous to do this, and I'm sure they've made a mistake, but we're gonna just roll with it.
This fall semester senior staff roster is deep and mightily talented. We will provide you with accurate and fair news, feature pieces on our students, staff and faculty, and keep the streak running with fun activities and comics that'll give you a good giggle.
With all that said, happy reading, and we hope you come back!
P.S. I will forever and always stand by the Oxford comma.@Bridgetreilly11@b.e.scenes