When studying a foreign language, students don’t just learn the language. Students will learn about the culture and the geography of the area as well. It’s a whole package and larger than just words.
MSU currently offers three different foreign languages for students to study: French, Spanish, and German.
Each language is unique and will take time and dedication to learn.
Stuart McClintock, French professor, said, “Studying a foreign language requires a lot of self-discipline.”
What are the pros to taking a foreign language?
“Studying a foreign language makes you more global and helps you become more aware of other cultures.” McClintock, said.
Studying a foreign language can also lead to future employment.
Chris Reimels, foreign language tutor, said,”Knowing a second language makes you more marketable and could cause you to make more money when you get a job.”
Leia De La Garza, French student;
Q. Why did you decide to study French?
A. Because it is such a beautiful language.
Q. What is one of your favorite things about French?
A. It reflects both Spanish and English and it makes it a “melting pot” language.
Q. What is something you learned from taking French?
A. I learned about the culture, and how people in France live their lives from day to day. Its fascinating.
Q. What is the hardest part of learning French?
A. You have to memorize the way the language looks on paper and how it sounds. The two are completely different and you can’t sound the words out.
Q. Why would you recommend French to other students?
A. It’s important to open up to different cultures, and the French culture is just so interesting to learn about.
Chelsea Glover, Spanish student;
Q. Why did you decide to study Spanish?
A. There are more Spanish speakers in Texas than any other foreign language.
Q. What is one of your favorite things about Spanish?
A. It has made me fall in love with the culture.
Q. What is something you learned from taking Spanish?
A. I learned that a lot of the Spanish language is connected to English and things we already know.
Q. What is the hardest part of learning Spanish?
A. Learning all the grammar techniques and making the sentences flow naturally.
Q. Why would you recommend Spanish to other students?
A. Many people in Texas speak Spanish, so learning the language opens up opportunities for future jobs and relationships.
Hannah Schulte-Bisping, German student;
Q. Why did you decide to study German?
A. My family speaks German so I already had experience with the language.
Q. What is one your favorite things about German?
A. I love how truly unique it is, and how uncommon it is around the United States.
Q. What is something you learned from taking German?
A. I learned parts of the language that I wasn’t even aware of. You are constantly learning new things.
Q. What is the hardest part of learning German?
A. The pronunciation, it can be difficult to pick up.
Q. Why would you recommend German to other students?
A. It’s so unique and would be a good language to know if you want to travel to Germany.

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