At the start of my freshman year of college, I didn’t know what to expect. My parents left after they helped me move in. That’s when the emotions kicked in. I was nervous. Scared. I didn’t know anyone.
I was a shy person. In fact, I was so shy that I was afraid to get involved on campus. I couldn’t even go to lunch or dinner by myself, I was with my roommate at all times. My mom tried to talk me into joining a sorority, but I didn’t want to. I was just fine with sitting in my room not talking to anyone but my boyfriend and friends from back home.
I went two years just focusing on my studies and not getting involved in anything on campus.
However, this year, I joined the University Programming Board and it’s the most fun I’ve had since I started at MSU. It has allowed me to meet lots of new people and make new friends.
When I attended the first UPB meeting, I was nervous. I was afraid I wouldn’t fit in with the people in the group. I was going to just chicken out and not go, but I knew I wanted to get out there and meet new people.
Joining UPB has helped me come out of my shell and not be afraid of being myself. I get to talk to new people every time we plan events. It’s something I found to be very fun and it keeps me involved. Every week I look forward to going to the meetings and talking to the other members about the upcoming events that are going on.
I plan on being an event planner when I graduate and I know UPB has definitely helped me gain some experience in planning events and talking people into attending them.
I am proud that I finally stopped using shyness as an excuse not to get involved and found something that I absolutely love doing.
If you’re ever thinking about joining a new club or trying something new, just do it. Don’t waste your time in college just going to class and going home. Get out there and get involved. Join a club. Go to a party. Meet new people. Attend an event on campus.
College is supposed to be more than just stressing over tests and homework all the time. It’s the time to have fun and find yourself. Don’t let anything hold you back and don’t let shyness get in the way of having fun and making friends.
Zoie Flores is a marketing junior.