Stampede Week offers different activities for students to take advantage of during the first week of each semester. These activities include free food, drinks, movies, and crafts for students throughout the week.
Ruby Arriaga, activities coordinator, said, “We like to offer different kinds of activities and spread them out. We expect different kinds crowds and try to include all students.”

A free s’mores bar was offered by the University Programming Board on Jan. 17 as part of Stampede Week.
Kirsten Durr, sociology junior, helped pass out the s’mores supplies along with advertisements for OrgSync.
“OrgSync helps to inform students about activities on campus and hopefully get them more involved,” Durr said.
Mariesam Isles, finance sophomore, said she learned about the s’mores event through Instagram.
Students, including Lindsey Odom, music education sophomore, and Brooke Leiker, music education sophomore, said they liked the free treats and events.
“I love s’mores and I love free stuff, so this is a great mix,” Odom said.
Leaker said, “It was a nice break in between classes, especially since it was the first day back. I think students appreciate any free food.”

Free hot cocoa was also offered as a part of Stampede Week, and was set out for students next to the Career Management Center on Jan. 18.
“As a college student, I won’t turn away free stuff,” Myles Hanford, music performance sophomore, said.

The UPB also set up a craft station on Jan. 18. Students made free scarves and pillows out of T-shirts.
Marisa Gomez, radiology junior, said she learned about the event on Instagram.
“I enjoy doing different crafts, so this is a fun activity. I’ll probably go to more Stampede Week events,” Gomez said.
ShaDera BryantWilliams, athletic training sophomore, passed out supplies and helped instruct people how to construct the scarves and pillows.
“We grabbed a lot of T-shirts because we expected a lot of students to stop by and make something. This has been a popular activity whenever we’ve done it in the past,” BryantWilliams said.