In honor of Earth Day, the campus biology honor society, Tri-Beta, will hold a plant sale April 21-22 in Bolin to improve the Bolin greenhouse.
Randy Lopez, biology senior and president of Tri-Beta, said although the plant sale is an annual event, the shape of the greenhouse also prompted the sale.
To be a member of Tri-Beta, students must be nominated by current members and faculty, must have a 3.0 GPA and at least 12 credit hours in biology.
Proceeds from the plant sale are going toward improving the greenhouse and scholarships for students.
Christian Esquivel, biology senior and vice president of Tri-Beta, said the past two years they weren’t able to have the sale because of the shape of the greenhouse.
The plants are either bought and grown by students or donated from professors and people from the community.
Esquivel said from previous years that aloe vera seemed to be the most popular plant, which is about $3-$5.
Prices of the plants including agave, zinnia, sunflowers, pineapple, potato, chives and cacti, vary according to size and how much traffic the plant gets.
Lopez said if a plant doesn’t seem to be popular, the price will probably be lowered.
Esquival said he expects the event to be successful because they have raffle items that are free with the tickets they will pass out.
Although the group hasn’t had a plant sale in the last two years, in a previous year Tri-Beta members raised more than $800 from the plant sale.