Part of Spring Break Safety Week, the Killingsworth residence hall staff hosted a “mocktails” game night on March 14.
Modeled after the “tower of power,” starting on the second floor, each resident assistant in Killingsworth Hall chose a typical drinking game, but used sparking cider or water instead of alcohol. After a game was completed, the RA signed a slip of paper and the participant moved up a floor to the next game.
The Killingsworth staff hosted this event as part of their alcohol education program for this semester said Ashley Statham, residence hall director.
“The end goal is just to educate students that you can have fun playing games without drinking,” said Statham. “You can do silly stuff with your friends and not have to get drunk to have fun.”
Games included flip cup and water pong, and even had a photo station at the top floor before the last game.
“I liked flip cup because I see it on Jimmy Fallon all the time,” said Sarah Wood, a freshman in marketing. “I always wanted to try it.”
Francis Narango, a nursing freshman, came along with a friend, but said she was glad she came because it was a lot of fun.
Narango said her favorites were either flip cup or the last game where participants had to complete an obstacle course because they were the most competitive.
With five games total, after three signatures the participants made their way back downstairs to receive their choice of a “mocktail,” earning a free drink for every three signatures.
Participants could choose from three “mocktail” flavors: punch it up, faux champagne or margarita.
Water Pong — Pierce Hall, Wednesday, March 16, 8:30 p.m.Club Pierce — Mustangs Walk, Thursday, March 17, 8 p.m. (featuring DJ, mocktails, drunken driving simulator, inflatables, koozies, corn hole, T-shirts and snacks)#partysmart