Always grinning ear to ear, Leroy McIlhaney, whether he is discussing the latest updates on campus athletics, chastising players, or flirting with the girls, is a campus favorite.
When Rob Mcllhaney, a former assistant basketball coach for MSU, found out Leroy was his cousin, he brought him to the Mustangs in 2005 and now Leroy, 64, gets up before dawn to ride his bike to his first job of the day, Taco Bell.
After spending a shift there, he rides his bike over to the school, which is three miles away to handle a myriad of activities.
Richard Renner, assistant football coach, said, “Well just for me, he handles all the tickets for our players, and the envelopes they have to fill out. He collects them and makes sure they are all there. He also keeps track of all of the flags during the games on the sidelines, he writes down the numbers.”
After the game, he also helps Renner out with film and putting everything else away, and then Renner takes him home.
One of the most important things Leroy does is a job he came up with on his own will. “He does a lot. He not only prays for the team, he also gives them encouragement,” said Renner.
Coleman Johnson, a freshmen in criminal justice and football player, said, “He is something else, he gets us pumped up for the game. He always has a lot of energy.”
Renner said Leroy is good at holding the players accountable for their wins — and losses.
“If you haven’t been put in the dog house yet, you are doing well,” Renner said. “He tells the kids he’ll put them in the dog house if they don’t stop the run, or they don’t win. He gets real mad if we don’t win.”
Renner laughed and said, “He’ll even threaten to fire the coaches.”
And some of the players said they aren’t afraid to give him a hard time back.
Renner said, “Oh man, I’m tellin ya, someone put his bike in the locker room and hid it from him. He couldn’t sleep all night because you know, when you think about it, it’s like you losing your car.”
Back in 2003, the MSU Police Department employees put their own money together to buy Leroy a new bicycle. They reported that his old bike was falling apart so they took it upon themselves to buy him a new one.
Now, however, Leroy often doesn’t get to ride his bike. Nancy Halvorsen, secretary for football, takes Leroy to every game, and Renner takes him back after to ensure his safety of riding his bike to and from the stadium.
Renner told us the reason they started taking Leroy to games to ensure his safety is because he almost got in an accident once by riding back home in the dark.
“He has a route that he goes on, going and coming so he stays off the major road of Kell, because he almost got hit by a car one night leaving here from a soccer game, and he didn’t tell me this because he doesn’t tell you the bad stuff. I found out by someone else. A girl almost hit him, she was texting and driving and didn’t see him. Scared him to death,” said Renner.
But that hasn’t lessened the impact he has had on the lives of student athletes given how happy and committed to life he is. He doesn’t let his struggles get in the way of his happiness.
“He helps you remember you know if you’re worried about an exam, or a boyfriend, or something of that nature. He keeps you grounded, and helps you realize the important things in life,” said Renner.
Marissa Olivares, radiology senior and former volleyball player, said, “Leroy would be our unofficial, official mascot. He is at every single game, and so excited to promote MSU athletics, and just be a part of the team. Not only is he in love with all of the student athletes, but also just regular students on campus have a love for him.
Seth Phillips, marketing junior, said, “ He is always smiling, and plays tag with everyone. He is also informative of the upcoming games.”
Coleman Johnson, criminal justice freshman and football player | “(He is) full on energy. He is something else.”
Marissa Olivares radiology senior and volleyball alum. | “I love Leroy! Most teams have adopted him as their own, and treat him like another player.”
Taylor Wilson, general business sophomore | “He’ll just walk right up to you, he is a friend.” “He is MSU.” “[He is an] Inspirational person for the school.”
MORE INFORMATION: Sports Spotlight: Leroy McIlhaney, KFDX