Presidential hopeful and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson will appear in Wichita Falls Oct. 20 at 7:30 p.m. as part of a book-signing tour.
But just because he’s been in Wichita Falls before, often supports classical Republican ideals, and has spoken at MSU graduation doesn’t mean students and residents are ready to vote for him considering their options.
Nathan Endo, employee in Hardback Café in Hastings, said he will not vote for Ben Carson.
“I have registered to vote, but I’m not voting for Dr. Carson,” Endo said. “As of now, my vote is with Sanders. One thing I like about Sanders is that he is wanting to go after mega corporations. His stance is beneficial to everyone.”
Not being for Carson is not stopping Endo from going to the book signing.
“Oh, I’m going. If I’m not working, I’ll for sure be out there with the crowd. It’s probably a good idea to show up two or three hours early though,” Endo said. “And as far as I know, it’s free. Who knows, I’m open to hear what he has to say. I’m open to changing my mind. I don’t know much about his position yet.”
Students too said they didn’t yet know enough to decide which of the 16 candidates to vote for.
“I want someone who can try and promote moderation. Like, when it comes to gun control, it needs to be more realistic. There needs to be a balance. But there is no perfect candidate. We will just have to pick the one we think is best from who we have to choose from,” Endo said.
Sam Duke, senior in biology said he looks for an assertive personality when picking a candidate.
“I am not for Hilary and I’m definitely not for Trump. I am a Ron Paul fan for sure,” Duke said. “I don’t care for anyone with a sketchy past.”
Abdullah Al Maruf, junior in pre-med, is also a Ron Paul fan. He said the book signing with Ben Carson is something he might be interested in going to.
“I don’t like Ben Carson a lot. He made some rude comments about Muslims. He doesn’t seem to stand up for minors too much,” Maruf said. “I will try to go to the book signing. I think it would be a good opportunity for a selfie with a presidential candidate.”
Maruf likes Bernie Sanders. He said that he has good records and he is best fit for what he looks for in a president.
“I want someone who cares about our people. Not just the mainstream, but the minors too. I want someone that doesn’t just care to fill up his pocket, but truly wants what is best for this country and is willing to take true action,” Maruf said. “Bernie Sanders is where my vote is as of now.”
RELATED: ABC News — Ben Carson Puts Public Campaign Events on Hold for 2 Weeks