The Gypsy Kit food truck sits in The Wichita Falls Museum of Art parking lot April 14. Watch the full story at: vimeo.com/125541036
Gypsy Kit goes mobile, serves students from MWSU Campus Watch on Vimeo.
The Gypsy Kit is a diamond in the rough in Wichita Falls, offering a taste of something familiar but strange, like its popular Dr Pepper Pulled Pork Tacos.
“It’s just a staple we’ve got,” said Christopher Couch, chef and co-owner. “Everybody loves Dr Pepper in Texas.”
Couch said his restaurant’s downtown location left some students hungry for more.
“We’ve been really, really excited about trying to get to the students of MSU,” Couch said. “Being downtown with our small café, our lines are so long it’s hard for people to get out, especially if you have a tough schedule for school.”
Couch said the food truck will set up for lunch at the Wichita Falls Museum of Art parking lot every Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., making it much easier for students to access.
“It’s great, I don’t have to drive downtown,” said Logan Lafoon, radiology junior. “I can literally just walk across campus and come get some great food.”
While they can’t offer the entire menu from the food truck, Couch said rotating specials will keep the offerings fresh.
“We have a pretty large menu at the café, so on the truck we’ll have our base—a couple tacos, a few sandwiches—and then we’ll start adding specials and then rotate our menu all the time so it will never be the same except for our core menu. And then you’ll have a few that change all the time.”
Read more: Gypsy Kit brings food-truck cuisine indoors