Posters displayed around Pierce Hall used, according to some, derogatory language to advertise “Save the Males,” an upcoming multi-event program in Pierce.
The event has been put on hold until internal investigations are concluded next week.
“It has been suspended indefinitely until we can perform a full review of the program and its content,” said Michael Mills, director of housing and dining services, in an email. “Like others, I did not agree with the poster and the portrayal it gave of our department, and so we asked for them to be removed and for the program to be suspended until I could return from my vacation and have the program reviewed in its entirety.”
One sentence in particular seemed to reference the theater department’s recent productions of “Vagina Monologues” and “In the Next Room.”
“We don’t need plays about our genitals and self-gratification techniques to discover who we are,” the poster reads.
Mills said the group to review “Save the Males” has yet to be assembled, but part of the review will center on Title IX, and a group outside of housing will review the program further.
“We want to be thorough and since part of the review will revolve around Title IX, we want our university Title IX representative, Matthew Park, to be part of the review as well. Like myself, Mr. Park was on vacation the latter half of last week and is expected to return early this week,” Mills said in an email. “In addition to visiting with Mr. Park, we also plan to have a group outside of housing review the program content for learning outcomes and appropriateness before, and if, it moves forward.”
Laura Jefferson, associate theater professor and director of “In the Next Room,” said the language on the poster was tasteless and derogatory.
“That’s not what the play was about. Did this person even see the play,” Jefferson said. “I wonder what it is about equal rights in the United States that scares people into doing stuff like this.”
Wayne Schields, assistant director of housing and dining services and Pierce hall director, said he approved and helped write the flier’s copy.
“An RA sent me an original version, I took out, believe it or not, some more inflaming words and I made it tongue-in-cheek,” Schields said. “Living in a male dorm, you hear conversations throughout the year. A lot of talk was about the recent plays put on, so I did a play on words with that.”
Timmie Young, computer science freshman and Pierce Hall resident, said the program should not have been canceled because of the complaints against the poster.
“I think the poster was only half serious. There was a program planned where guys from Pierce would do manly things like filet a fish or make a campfire, but it got canceled when people complained,” Young said. “Everyone can have their own opinions, but one opinion shouldn’t stop a whole program.”
Schields said “Save the Males,” scheduled for next week with a closing cookout April 30, is meant to teach Pierce residents “things every guy should know.”
“Guys don’t know how to do a lot of stuff that, for instance, my generation knew how to do,” Schields said. “It is various programs, for instance, an active demonstration on how to change your oil, properly change a tire and put the lug nuts back on, how to gut a fish.”
Schields said some speakers for the event are still up in the air, but students are taking the lead in running “Save the Males.”
“Mainly it’s student led. The RAs, they’ve volunteered their services to show the residents, the guys in the building,” Schields said. “I say guys, but I mean it’s welcome to anybody.”