Student Government Association elections run from April 8-12. I talked with the three candidates for president: Julia Brady, Jesse Brown and Marco Torres, to get some insight into the election.
Why did you get into student government?
“I would love to expand my leadership position,” Julia Brady, junior in political science, said.
Some students feel as though student government does nothing for them, could you please explain what SGA does for the students?
“The past few years, in my opinion, SGA has not stood up to the level that it should be performing to,” Jesse Brown, junior in criminal justice, said.
What can you bring to the president that the other candidates can not?
“Being a regular student, a normal student,” Marco Torres, senior in psychology, said.
If elected president, what three specific goals do you have for next semester and how do you plan to make sure they happen?
“As student government president, I feel as though our primary goal should be to build a strong relationship with Dr. Shipley,” Brady said.
“I do not have an agenda to push,” Brown said.
“I plan on being in the office as much as possible,” Torres said.
Watch the video for complete responses.

RELATED STORY: SGA election procedures changed to increase voter turnout
RELATED EDITORIAL: Opinion: Choose Marco Torres for SGA president