Is the Republican Party right for our generation? That’s the question that sparked this editorial. But as fair as that question is, it should be reversed. Is our generation right for the Republican Party?
I’ve identified with the GOP for as long as I’ve held my own political opinions—nearly a decade. In that time, the party has changed more times than I can recall. I don’t agree with every point on the platform and I probably never will. Both Republicans and Democrats alike are guilty of “evolving” on issues to reach new voters, but that’s the nature of the game. I guess that’s the predictable problem that comes with a two party political system.
I’m Republican for a hundred reasons but here are a few ideas people from all political parties can appreciate. I’m not going to waste space addressing issues that our generation, for the most part, all agrees on (i.e. gay marriage, marijuana legalization) and I won’t parrot traditional talking points strictly for the sake of following party lines:
Securing the border: Regardless of how one feels about immigration, and regardless of how one feels about illegals already in the country, I feel we can agree on one thing: the border must be secured. Deportation and amnesty are only temporary problems as long as people can still enter the country without notice. Once we secure the border, we can turn the bulk of our attention to eliminating the hurdles associated with legal immigration. Everyone deserves a chance to be an American, but we need to do it the right way.
Reduce Spending: There is no question that the government spends too much money. It is in our best interest as a nation to direct funds to essential programs and cut extraneous and nonessential factions. By gradually reducing spending, we can begin paying off our comically large debt and continuing our economic growth.
Reduce Government Dependency: We as Americans treasure freedom above all else. But we have so many impoverished citizens living off welfare programs that their quality of life is in decline. We need these people to become productive, to give back to society. Welfare should never be eliminated entirely, but it should remain only as a safety net—welfare recipients must let go once they are back on their feet. In the end, our goal is to help people who are struggling to pull their lives back together, contribute to society and live rewarding lives.
Lower Taxes: Rich or poor, smart or dumb, no one likes giving up a portion of their paycheck. Taxes are a necessary evil, but this evil is starting to get out of control in direct correlation to our spending. Last year we collected more in tax revenue than ever before. If we can rein in the spending, our taxes won’t need to be so excessive. We can keep more of our money at home allowing families to spend more, helping the economy.
Return Our Freedom: Americans all over are enraged by the National Security Agency’s open violations of privacy. Benjamin Franklin said, “Those who are willing to give up liberty for safety deserve neither.” We want to restore privacy, root out corruption from top to bottom, and retain our right to bear arms. Simple as that.
So are you right for the Republican Party? I think everyone is. There are ideas at the core of both parties that make sense. We will never find a box to check that fits our ideas perfectly. But in the new, young Republican Party there are plenty of opportunities to move in and have our voice heard. And with enough voices, things that matter to our generation are sure to change.
Jonathan Lyne is a junior in economics.
Opposing view: Come out of the closet, Democrats