Flu Outbreak on Campus from MWSU Campus Watch on Vimeo.
As the spring semester starts, there is a sickness, spreading across campus: the flu.
The flu virus is the worst it’s been in five years and the campus physician, Dr. Keith Williamson, said he has already seen outbreaks this semester.
“I didn’t tally them up, but I could guess and I would say about a dozen that I have diagnosed as clearly and indisputably the flu,” Williamson said.
Some flu-like symptoms include, high fever, chills, fatigue, body aches and dry coughing.
Williamson gave some tips that will help to prevent the flu.
“Stay six feet away from people who have a cough, if you have a cough, cough into a Kleenex or into your sleeve and wash your hands frequently. Don’t share utensils, don’t share toothbrushes, towels, don’t share things that could be contaminated,” Williamson said.
If upcoming flu seasons continue to progress, one resident assistant said it would be a good idea to have a flu-awareness program.
Tiernan Harris, junior resident assistant, said. “Yeah, you could definitely talk to housing about it. I don’t think it’s come up yet because I don’t think we’ve had enough people to make it a big deal, but yeah, I think it would actually be a good thing.”
Students are able to get vaccinated for free at the Vincent Health Center with a valid student ID.
Self-assessment: CLICK HERE
MWSU flu status: CLICK HERE